Thursday, August 23, 2012

Amy and Rory Pond will have their very own Spin-off!

For those of you who cannot believe Amy and Rory Pond will be leaving Doctor Who this season, will be relieved to hear that a Spin-off web series will available online by next Monday.

Amy and Rory Pond Life Web Series

The series is titled 'Pond Life', with a total of 5 mini-episodes, which will include the very best of their adventures and their special relationship with the Doctor.

Doctor Who's executive producer, Steven Moffat promised...
“The story of the Ponds hasn’t even begun to end yet — they’ve got loads more adventures with their mad friend the Doctor ahead of them, and we’ll see more of their lives and Time Lord-complicated relationship than we ever have before,”
  Right then, here are Karen and Arthur talking about the special series themselves...

Doctor Who returns September 1st, 2012 on BBC.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Happy Birthday to the 7th Doctor! - Sylvester McCoy!

Doctor Who fans know him as the 7th Doctor. Actor Sylvester McCoy from Scotland celebrates his 69th birthday.

He played the role of The Doctor's 7th incarnation from the years 1987 to 1989, and showed up again in the 1996 movie in order to regenerate into Paul McGann (the 8th Doctor).

Doctor Who Sylvester McCoy
Happy Birthday!

Doctor Who Series 7 Teaser Trailer: Save the Daleks!

In case you missed the new teaser trailer for the upcoming new series of Doctor Who, here it is!

Asylum of the Daleks Doctor Who

The Doctor is in a stand-off with his most fierce rivals ever, the Daleks. The teaser shows The Doctor, Amy and Rory confronting a gigantic number of Daleks.

Doctor Who returns in September. 

The first 5 episodes of Doctor Who Series 7

Doctor Who returns in a couple of weeks time, with the most probable air-date to be September 1st for UK viewers. The series 7 is split into two parts, with the first part to be aired in 2012, which will then linked with the 2nd part through the 2012 Christmas special.

The Doctor Matt Smith

The first part of Series 7 will have a total of 5 episodes. The 5th episode will see the Ponds (Amy and Rory) leave the show with the new companion Jenna Louise Coleman joining the adventures with The Doctor in the Christmas Special.

So far, we have official confirmation of the titles of the first 5 episodes, which are as follows...

Friday, August 17, 2012

The Doctor's New Companion Named: Clara Oswin!

We already knew the first name of the new companion of The Doctor and now we know her full name as well. It's Clara Oswin. This was confirmed by BBC officials.

Jenna Louise Coleman Matt Smith Doctor Who

We will be seeing Clara Oswin (Actress Jenna Louise Coleman) during this year's Christmas special episode. Jenna's past gigs include the long running British opera show Emmerdale and the hit blockbuster Titanic.

Furthermore, rumors suggest that The Doctor will be reffering to her new companion as just 'Oswin' when they first meet and Clara's opening line will be...
  1. “Rescue me boy and show me the stars.”
Doctor Who series 7 returns to BBC on September 1st, 2012.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Doctor Who Series 7: Episode Titles Confirmed!

The BBC have confirmed the titles for the first 5 episodes of Doctor Who's series 7. These 5 episodes will be aired this year (2012) leading towards the Christmas Special episode and the introduction of The Doctor's new companion.

Doctor Who Series 7 Poster

Doctor Who Series 7 kicks off on September 1st, 2012, and will run for a total of 5 episodes before the break. The 5th and final episode of 2012 will feature the exit of the Ponds (Amy and Rory) from the show.

Following are the 5 episode titles...

Episode 1: Asylum of the Daleks
Episode 2: Dinosaurs on a SpaceshipEpisode 3: A Town called Mercy
Episode 4: The Power of Three
Episode 5: The Angels take Manhattan